Makeup School: Day 51 & 52 - Special Effects with Prosthetics

Theatrical Cheetah makeup (pity I didn't
have ears handy)
This is the good stuff. Also the hardest-to-get-right fiddly stuff. I got my sister in for this and we giggled throughout the session because she kept making the stupidest faces and twitching her nose. :)

The prosthetic pieces I used was a bald cap and a foam latex 'Rabbit Nose' that felt floppy and delicate. Oh, and it stinks, according to my sis. She had to breathe through her mouth for a while...

To stick it to the face, all you need is to dot Pros-Aide (liquid) Adhesive all around the back edges of the latex (don't cover the whole back with adhesive or you'll have a fun time with removal and your model will hate you.

Rabbit Nose foam prosthetic
The edges can be later smoothed down with Pros-Aide Cream Adhesive so that they blend into the face.

Prosthetic pieces can range from low-grade pre-made types (which was one I used), to high-end custom pieces. The low-grade ones would be more suited to theatrical work, where the audience is at least a few metres away and no one could tell if there's a bit of unevenness around the edges. This will not be acceptable with TV and film, especially with the introduction of High Definition (HD) screens.


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