Graduation and Special Thanks

Announcement time!!!

After 6 solid months of long nights, no social life, juggling of work and studies, as well as the usual sweat, blood and tears (well, I did do special effects!), I'm absolutely esctatic to annouce that I am now a diploma qualified, fully fledged makeup artist! Boo-ya!

I would like to thank all those who supported me through this last half year, offering their faces, time, and encouragement as I persued my passion. Big thanks to my trainers at the Academy of Makeup, who while shared their knowledge and experiences, provided me with the inspiration and motivation to pass all my assessments and make a start in the industry. Your threats worked well.

Special thanks goes to my models:  Chichi, Lydia, Annie, Sabrina, Silvia, Sheree, Jojo, Maz, Tash, Kathy, Sharmane, Angie, Caroline, Fu, Ed, Rai, Rhys, and my wonderful siblings (who agreed to be models without too much begging). I appreciated the time and patience you offered, as well as the opportunity to get way too accquainted with your faces. I think we've just stepped up to the next stage in our relationship. My apologies if I've left out naming anyone. Your precence was appreciated and I wouldn't have passed my course without you!

Finally, much love and thanks goes to my brilliant fellow student makeup artists. We've been through so much together in the last few months and it was hard to hold tears back as we left the building for the last time. I hope you guys succeed out there and that we keep in touch. Even though you're all competition, you're still all my friends. There will be times when we'll have to call on each other to tackle the big jobs! So if anyone lands on the next big Hollywood film set, you have my number. :)

The exprience has been absolutely amazing at the Academy of Makeup and I will not hesitate to point all aspiring makeup artists down Burnett Lane's dark alleyway.


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