Makeup School Dreams

Ever had a career dream that's totally irrelevant to your current occupation? Well, don't give up your day job...yet. Work to fund your hobbies until you can get your hobbies to fund you!

Before I go further, here's the obligatory disclaimer:
I'm not being paid to give my opinions on anything in this blog and all products or services are purchased by me, unless otherwise stated.

A studio at the Academy of Makeup
Now then...

Given my busy day schedule, there's not a whole lot of choices for makeup schools in Brisbane that offers part-time evening courses. That's the main reason I picked Academy of Makeup (AOM). Not only do they offer Certificate II through to Diploma, they also had flexible classes. Plus, their exemplary customer service deserves a mention. I rang up to enquire and the helpful girl on the other end sent me an info pack and booked me in for their upcoming open day, all the while answering my barrage of questions. They also rang back a week afterwards to check I've received my pack, confirm open day attendance, and asked if I had any more questions that needed addressing. If I wasn't won over before, knowing I mattered enough for them to follow up is a great impression.

After eyeing AOM's Certificate IV and just missing the 2011 round, I settled on the Diploma. Whatever. I might as well go all in. Wherever the rabbit hole leads, right? So $8,500 later, I secured a place in their 2012 intake. Classes are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings, and all day Sundays. First half of next year is going to be one heck of a whirlwind period! But if it makes me feel I'm being productive, that's exactly how I like it! ^^

Stay gorgeous,

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