Tools of the Trade: Part 1

If you're like me, who prefers to apply makeup with fingers and use only the bare minimum of gadgets, then when you start out in makeup school, you'd need to drop at least a few grand on additional essentials. After all, it's probably more professional (and hygienic!) to use brushes on your clients.

Here's what my Diploma course required:

23pce Gorgeous Cosmetics brush kit
Brush roll
Although the Academy of Makeup (AOM) recommends their own 23 pce brush set ($399), I decided to get mine elsewhere. While I have a few brushes, a complete set is necessary to bring to class and every makeup artist will tell you investing in good brushes pays off in results.

Temptu Airbrush Kit
Airbrush kit
Another pricey addition ($600) available through the school via Hub Makeup. There was no way around this compulsory tool and I knew nothing about airbrushing so the recommended brand purchase was a necessity.

Misc. Tools & Consumables
You don't pay attention to these little bits until a list needs to be made. I'm talking about tissues, cotton buds, disposable mascara wands, and sponges. Again, AOM offers an 'essential kit' for $49, but between that or a trip to the local supermarket, there is no contest.

Hairstyling Kit
The Diploma course contains a section on hair styling, for which I'm thankful and excited to be doing. A makeup artist isn't just restricted to the face and may need to act as hairdresser and stylist to create a complete look. There are no kits from AOM for hairstyling tools, so I will have to amass them myself down the track. However, as this will be happening later in the course, I have deferred purchases for now.

Gorgeous Cosmetics
Pro Makeup Kit
If you're wondering why I did not include cosmetics in this resources list, that's because AOM provides all cosmetics during classes. Any makeup kits purchased will only be used out of class for work experience or school-organized events. In the latter case, you can only participate if you own their brand, Gorgeous Cosmetics (after all, they're trying to use you to promote their brand). Again, I am going to wait and see whether dropping almost a grand (Pro Makeup Kit - $949; Essential Makeup Kit - $649) on their products is worth it. Depending on how much work experience opportunities the school organises.


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