Change of Style

For years I've been suppressing my secret dream to be a makeup artist. This was a path I've been hesitant to consider, as it has always been instilled upon me that the career was superficial and less prestigious than a white-collar profession.

What, you mean like being an accountant?
My day job is boring me out of my mind.

So in a moment of reflection - oh alright, more like a rebellious impulse fuelled by a realisation that my days have settled into a monotonous cycle - I signed up for makeup school.

To be more specific, for the next seven months of 2012 (January to July), I will be undertaking a Diploma of Makeup at the Academy of Makeup in Brisbane, Australia.

Have you ever wanted to go down the rabbit hole to Wonderland? Because here's where I'll lead you into a world of ever-changing fashion, colour, glitz, glamour, and enough lipstick to repaint the road to Emerald City.

Let's get beautiful!

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