Makeup School: Day 33 - Tattooing

Tattoo Transfers

Ok, you're probably thinking, 'What's so hard about tattoo transfers?'
Um, not much, really. But these aren't your average cereal box  freebies; they're high-grade, professional transfers that do not have a shiny finish and looks much more realistic.

The trick with tattoo transfers is to make it look like a layer of skin has grown over it so the colour is slightly muted.

The tattoo transfers I used was from Hub Makeup and comes in a multi-pack with different designs. I chose a simple rose one and dabbed 99% alcohol onto the back of the image to transfer it onto the skin. Have to work quickly for this as alcohol evaporates pretty quick!

After transfer is complete, go over the outlines with black transfer tattoo ink and colour in the design. Transfer tattoo inks are also available from Hub Makeup and they activate only with 99% alcohol, but can produce a very vivid effect. To achieve a realistic tattoo look, dust over the finished design with translucent powder.

Covering Tattoos

Another no-brainer, really. Remember the lesson on concealer? That's what you use! Apply your knowledge of colour theory and conceal the different colours of a tattoo accordingly.

Layer on foundation in a colour to match the skin tone and set with translucent powder.


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