Makeup School: Day 30 - Music Video

You don't even have to squint to see
that Sami could be a twin of Katy Perry
in this recreated E.T makeup look!
This is one of the few classes we actually got to do whatever we wanted, as long as it's in keeping with the style of our selected artist. I chose one of Katy Perry's makeup from her E.T music video. The makeup was flawlessly symetrical, distinctive, yet flattering and exquisitely themed. How hard can it be, right? I decided to free-hand it...

In reality, Katy Perry's makeup artist would most likely have used a template and airbrushed the makeup on so it stays the same in every scene and didn't take an hour to apply each time. Bet she didn't had to sketch the tribal designs on square-by-square either...

But I still fully appreciate the skill, creativity, and steady hand of Katy's brilliant makeup artist.

Anyway, the main thing with music video makeup is that it must look good both from a distance and on close-ups. If shooting over multiple days, makeup continuity is of utmost importance and the look must be identical from scene to scene.

Other than that, unlease your creativity!


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