Makeup School: Day 35 - Ageing With Creams

The young-at-heart Bridgitte being
made up to look like an 80yo old lady
The name is a bit deceptive here, as I didn't use cream, but mostly greasepaint and powder to achieve an aged look. Seriously. No latex, no prosthetics; purely drawn on lines and shading. The powder of makeup...

I will have to point out that this look mainly works for a theatrical effect and in no way will stand up to HD film and TV scrutiny. The lines are too obvious and over the top.

To achieve this look, I started with patchy foundation, to give the skin an uneven appearance.

Contouring is applied strongly through temples, hollow of the cheeks, smile lines, under nose and the 'jowls' of the jaw.

Next, I went spastic with wrinkle lines. Basically, the model is instructed to wrinkle every part of their face and these are exaggerated with powder shadow and greasepaint.

Don't forget that between every contour is a highlight, so use a cream shade to brighten between wrinkles.

To make the lips appear dry and wrinkled, the model pursed her lips and I gently sponged on some blue and white mixed greasepaint.

Lastly, I coloured the front teeth using Ben Nye Tooth Colour and used a mascara wand dipped in Ben Nye Hair Colour to comb through the front of the hair.

The resulting effect has turned the gorgeous 21 year old Bridgitte into an old lady. She actually got kinda depressed over this. Awww :(


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